Booth No. D12
Country. South Korea
Profile. Efficient Construction Technology
Founded on February 7, 1979, SPECO was listed on the KOSDAQ market in 1997. Since its foundation, SPECO has been manufacturing, producing, and exporting various products, including asphalt plants, which are key equipment in the road construction field. Based on constant research and development, SPECO is exporting products to major overseas construction companies as well as domestic road construction sites in order to participate in infrastructure projects around the world. In addition to our asphalt plant business, we operate a construction equipment business, including concrete plants and crushers, and wind power and defense industry equipment businesses. We are leading change and innovation by implementing a smart factory to respond to industrial changes brought about by the 4th Industrial Revolution. Supplying excellent-quality plants, we have been recognized as a world-class company by more than 2,500 customers around the world.
Website: www.speco.co.kr
Product 1 Stationary Asphalt Mixing Plan
Korea’s No. 1 asphalt plant manufacturer, SPECO, manufactures the best asphalt plants with technology secured through the supply of fixed asphalt plants for the construction of large and small roads in Korea in the past and based on continuous research and development. These make it possible to stably operate highly efficient plants at road construction sites, and provide high productivity and efficiency with long durability and error-free accuracy.
Product 2
Mobile Asphalt Mixing Plant
Each compact component we researched and developed was designed not only to optimize “mobility” but also to allow a series of processes such as drying, weighing, mixing and discharging aggregates, to be fully operated automatically. In particular, cold bins, dryers, weighing and mixing bodies and bag filters are allowed for rapid movement, shortening the installation time and minimizing the installation area at road construction sites.
Product 3
Sphalt Recycling plant
As global interest in environmental pollution has increased, the problem of the disposal of waste asphalt concrete, which occurs frequently during road maintenance, has emerged. SPECO’s Asphalt Recycling Plant, a facility that produces asphalt concrete by reheating waste asphalt concrete and mixing it with raw materials such as new aggregates, uses eco-friendly, advanced equipment that helps reduce production costs.