Construction Tech Review
Construction Tech Review is one of a kind knowledge platform that brings to its audience insider information from the construction industry. Construction Tech Review was born out of the ambition to bring about a peer-to-peer learning approach that brings together senior decision-makers from leading organizations and their counterparts in their domains under one roof so that they can share their wisdom, knowledge, and technological expertise among peers.
More Information: https://www.constructiontechreview.com/

Archikonst (Philippines)
ARCHIKONST is a quarterly trade magazine dedicated to architecture, construction, engineering, interior design, and real estate. With a vision to be acknowledged in the AEC industry for media excellence, it strives to uphold international standards through quality content and creative design.
More Information: https://archikonst.com.ph

Keepital (Singapore)
Keepital is a global B2B marketplace that has been pushing suppliers and businesses around the world to connect through the power of an online platform. With FREE advertising on our online portal for product and service suppliers on one hand, and free quotations and easy hiring for businesses on the other, Keepital has come a long way in taking B2B online.
More Information: https://www.keepital.com

Made-In-China (China)
Made-in-China was developed in 1998 by Focus Technology Co., Ltd. , Made-in-China.com (https://www.made-in-china.com) has become one of the leading marketplaces for global trade. As one of the leading B2B portals connecting global buyers with China suppliers, we have been devoted to facilitating two-way trade with China via our multi-language website.
More Information: https://www.made-in-china.com

ExpoTobi (Ukraine)
ExpoTobi is a business resource where events from all over the world are collected. It is a platform where organizers can promote events and users can find a suitable one.
More Information: https://expotobi.com

Plant & Equipment
Founded in 2000, Plant & Equipment is a global leader in the heavy machinery industry, providing a robust online marketplace for buying and selling new and used construction equipment, trucks, lifting machinery, and spare parts. With a vast network of verified sellers and buyers worldwide, PlantAndEquipment.com offers seamless transactions, live auctions, and classified listings. Through its unique editorial platform, PlantAndEquipment.News, the company delivers the latest industry updates, equipment insights, and market trends, making it a trusted hub for the construction, transportation, and heavy equipment sectors.
More Information: https://www.plantandequipment.com/

Bangkok Post
Bangkok Post is the oldest English-language daily newspaper in Thailand. It was published and distributed after World War II and was founded on 1st August 1946, by Major Alexander MacDonald, an American military officer, and Prasit Lulitanond. The newspaper is managed by Bangkok Post Company Limited. In addition to the Bangkok Post newspaper, the company also owns other media outlets, such as Post Today and international magazines like ELLE Thailand, Forbes Thailand, and CLEO
More Information: https://www.bangkokpost.com/

Bangkok Post
Brandex Directory Co., Ltd. is a provider of innovative marketing media solutions designed to enhance brand differentiation and elevate the corporate image for B2B clients. With a vision of excellence in the production of promotional media, the company specializes in supporting manufacturers and distributors of industrial products.
More Information: https://www.brandex.co.th/th/home

GMTX operates in the industrial media sector, specializing in B2B marketing and multi-channel industrial media, including digital media, seminars, trade exhibitions, e-marketplaces, and business information. The company connects industrial buyers and sellers while serving as a media hub for sharing technological knowledge that drives the development of Thailand’s New S-Curve industries.
More Information: https://www.greenworldmedia.co.th/

MM Modern Manufacturing
A knowledge hub website for modern industrial factories, covering various topics such as automation, Industry 4.0, metalworking, and system integration.
More Information: https://www.mmthailand.com/home/

T-DA, or The Directory of Engineering, Architects, and Construction Materials, is an annual directory focused on architecture, engineering, and construction materials. It compiles a comprehensive list of manufacturers and suppliers of construction materials and equipment, as well as architectural, engineering, and contracting firms. Serving as a media platform, T-DA facilitates industry communication, promotes businesses, and disseminates news within the construction sector. It also provides insights into the latest innovations and technologies related to construction and building materials.
More Information: https://www.directory-architect.com/

ADPT News (Tech Talk Thai Group)
ADPT News is a website that delivers news and articles on technology, business, and innovation, with a focus on providing clear, concise, and accurate information. It covers a wide range of topics, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Analytics, ERP systems, CRM, Big Data, the Internet of Things (IoT), and Blockchain.
More Information: https://www.adpt.news/

Manu TalkThai (Tech Talk Thai Group)
Manu TalkThai is an online news hub focused on delivering information about industrial technology in Thailand. It publishes news and articles related to industrial technology, keeping industry professionals informed about the latest developments and trends.
More Information: https://www.manutalkthai.com/

ExpoTobi (乌克兰)
ExpoTobi 是一个全球范围内收集各类活动的商业资源平台。它为活动组织者提供推广平台,同时也为用户提供寻找合适活动的途径。
更多信息,请访问: https://expotobi.com

ACE Update(印度)
ACE Update是一本领先的月刊,专注于提供建筑、施工和工程行业的最新动态与分析,采用全新的视角呈现行业趋势。在这里,您可以获取建筑和基础设施领域的全面资讯和深度分析。ACE Update为一线建筑师、室内设计师、开发商、承包商以及项目供应商提供了一个展示其在施工前、施工中及施工后创新成果的平台。
更多信息,请访问: www.itmgroupmedia.com

B2B Purchase (印度)
B2B Purchase是项目采购领域的权威媒体,为全球项目采购专业人士提供建筑和基础设施市场的深入洞察。B2B Purchase提供关于多个行业的新产品和技术的重要信息,涵盖道路建设、建筑、矿业、物料搬运、土方工程、结构、化学品与涂料、焊接与切割、安全与安防、水处理等领域。
此外,杂志还关注技术创新、制造业和过程工业的发展动态。B2B Purchase是项目专业人士了解全球相关产品和技术的宝贵资源。
更多信息,请访问: https://b2bpurchase.com

Archikonst (菲律宾)
ARCHIKONST 是一本季度性行业杂志,专注于建筑、施工、工程、室内设计和房地产领域。杂志致力于在AEC(建筑、工程与建设)行业中树立媒体卓越的声誉,力求通过优质内容和创意设计,秉持国际标准。
更多信息,请访问: https://archikonst.com.ph

binaTECH (马来西亚)
binaTECH成立于2014年,由Innovacia Sdn. Bhd.创办,旨在提高马来西亚建筑行业从业者对全球最新建筑技术趋势的关注和兴趣。除了分享行业信息外,它还帮助读者了解即将在本地和区域内举行的建筑相关活动。
更多信息,请访问: https://www.innovacia.com.my/publications/binatech

BCI Central (国际)
BCI Central成立于1998年,是全球领先的施工前数据和软件解决方案提供商,致力于帮助企业在建筑行业中实现最大化的增长和销售成功。BCI Central在亚太地区和美洲设有多个办事处(前身为BCI亚洲、BCI澳大利亚和BCI新西兰),在帮助客户识别销售机会、做出精准决策并与关键目标市场建立联系方面发挥着关键作用。
更多信息,请访问: https://www.bcicentral.com

Building Review Journal (新加坡)
由 Multimedia Communications (2000) Pte Ltd 出版的Building Review Journal是一本区域性贸易杂志,自1980年以来一直服务于建筑和施工行业。每期杂志都充满了关于新建筑项目、建筑设计、绿色建筑、设施管理、产品评测、行业新闻以及贸易展览和奖项的深入文章。杂志的读者包括来自开发、承包、建筑、工程、室内设计、咨询、材料供应、学术界和政府机构等行业的关键决策者。
更多信息,请访问: www.brj.com.sg

Southeast Asia Construction (新加坡)
Southeast Asia Construction(简称SEAC)是一本总部设在新加坡的行业杂志,自1994年起每两个月出版一次,面向全亚洲的专业读者群体发行。其读者包括承包商、工程师、设备制造商及经销商、行业协会、政府机构、开发商以及其他与建筑行业相关的专业人士。该杂志内容涵盖了亚洲及全球各地的建筑项目,此外,还报道了最新的建筑设备、材料、技术与管理动态,以及重要的区域性和国际性贸易展会。
更多信息,请访问: https://seac.tradelinkmedia.biz/

Made-In-China (中国)
Made-in-China.com 由 Focus Technology Co., Ltd. 于1998年开发,已成为全球贸易的领先市场之一。作为连接全球买家与中国供应商的主要B2B门户之一,我们一直致力于通过多语言网站促进中外双向贸易。
更多信息,请访问: https://www.made-in-china.com

CT Today (印度)
Construction Technology Today是一本已有17年历史的杂志,专注于为建筑行业提供最新趋势、产品发布以及行业领导者的见解。该刊月发行40,000份,覆盖20万读者,并与多个重要展会合作。凭借引人入胜的内容和设计,为广告商提供了高投资回报率。
更多信息,请访问: https://www.constructiontechnology.in/

Construction Plus Asia
Construction Plus Asia是一本为建筑行业提供广泛且深入的B2B洞察和行业最新动态的杂志。内容涵盖领先项目、关键专业人士、前沿建筑技术及重要行业活动,突出介绍建筑、施工和设计领域的重点公司及其在本地建筑行业中的重要贡献。由BCI Central出版的这本季度性行业杂志,主要在印尼、香港、马来西亚和新加坡发行,读者也可以通过官网和移动应用访问相关内容。

ArchBuilder (马来西亚)
ArchBuilder 是一个专注于建筑材料的“细分”媒体平台,总部位于马来西亚,连接着超过60,000名开发商、顾问、承包商、建筑师和设计师。ArchBuilder 致力于通过不断提供最新的新闻、新闻稿和行业机会,成为建筑材料技术领域的市场领导者,及时触及所有目标受众。
更多信息,请访问: https://atculturegroup.com

Panco集团旗下Pangea (英国)
Pangea 是PANCO集团旗下的全球领先独立货运代理网络,覆盖全球主要机场和海港,提供无与伦比的连接性。Pangea 的优势在于其致力于提升成员之间的业务合作,推动共同增长和成功。通过与行业内顶尖企业合作,Pangea确保其成员能够接入一个卓越且可靠的网络,从而促进更顺畅的物流操作并扩大市场覆盖范围。
更多信息,请访问: https://pangea-network.com

Panco 集团旗下Connecta (英国)
ConnectA 是PANCO集团旗下的国际一流货运代理网络,覆盖全球主要机场和海港,提供无与伦比的连接性。ConnectA 扩展了其全球覆盖范围和合作网络,使货运代理商能够通过一个综合平台拓展业务,超越地理界限,同时轻松提升运营能力,并与顶尖物流专业人士共享集体知识和经验。
更多信息,请访问: https://connecta-network.com

Plant and Equipment (阿联酋)
Plant & Equipment拥有超过23年的行业经验,深谙重型设备、卡车和备件行业的运作,通过数字化和印刷媒体为行业提供有价值的营销服务。这一切通过其卓越的杂志和创新的网站得以实现。Plant & Equipment 是建筑行业领先的媒体公司之一,其主要目标是提升经销商的市场能见度,帮助其在包括非洲、亚洲和中东在内的新兴市场在线销售产品。
更多信息,请访问: https://www.plantandequipment.com

Cargo Connections (英国)
Cargo Connections 是一个获得 ISO 9001 和 ISO 14001 认证的全球货运网络,成立于2014年。该网络采用有限代表制,每个国家仅向提供空运、海运和公路货运服务的少数货运代理商开放会员资格。
Cargo Connections 提供一流的会员服务,拥有一个先进的网站,结合创新的功能,如量身定制的会议中心和行业领先的虚拟会议平台。
更多信息,请访问: https://www.cargoconnections.net

DigiFreight (英国)
多信息,请访问: https://www.digifreight.live/

Project Cargo Network (英国)
Project Cargo Network (PCN) 成立于2010年, 是一家获得ISO 9001和ISO 14001认证的组织,旨在为全球顶级重型吊装和项目货运专家提供一个专业的交流平台。我们的会员涉及多个行业,包括石油天然气、纸浆与造纸、汽车、建筑、电力与能源以及援助物资等领域。作为一个快速发展的组织,PCN汇聚了超过260名专家,分布在115个以上的国家和地区。我们为会员提供多项专属福利,包括定制的虚拟会议平台(Meeting Hub)、在线新闻/公关服务以及专业的在线培训。PCN数字新闻通讯的内部读者超过10,500人。我们的网站每月吸引成千上万的访客,其中平均有3,000名新访客。
更多信息,请访问: https://www.projectcargonetwork.com/

环球货运组织 (英国)
环球货运组织(Universal Freight Organisation,简称UFO)成立于2000年1月,目前已通过ISO 9001和ISO 14001认证,会员遍布100多个国家。我们为自己的独家会员政策感到自豪,因为这一政策是我们成功的关键之一——每个国家最多仅允许两家会员。我们为会员提供多项专属福利,其中包括我们独特的“Meeting Hub”虚拟会议平台,它是业内最先进的虚拟会议平台,会员可以在平台上进行高效的在线互动和交流。
更多信息,请访问: https://www.ufofreight.com

Freightbook (英国)
Freightbook 是一个快速发展的在线数据库,涵盖了来自140多个国家的1500多家货运代理公司。其独特的公司资料页面和评分系统为用户提供了对每家注册公司的深入了解。Freightbook还提供了一个实用的智能手机服务,货运代理商和供应商可以通过移动设备快速查找。此外,Freightbook还提供了一门全面的重型运输在线培训课程(包括Kuehne+Nagel、Bertling Logistics、DSV Panalpina 和 DHL等公司近期已为其员工注册参加)。
更多信息,请访问: https://www.freightbook.net/

Keepital (新加坡)
Keepital 是一个全球性的B2B市场平台,致力于通过在线平台的力量促进全球供应商与企业之间的连接。平台为产品和服务供应商提供免费的广告展示,同时为企业提供免费的报价服务和便捷的招聘功能。Keepital 在推动B2B交易在线化方面取得了显著成就。
更多信息,请访问: https://www.keepital.com

World of Concrete Asia 2024 (中国)
作为全球混凝土行业知名展会World of Concrete系列的亚洲版本,World of Concrete Asia 2024(WOCA)于2024年8月14日至16日在中国上海成功举行。World of Concrete自1975年创办以来,已成功举办超过40年。该展会由Informa Exhibitions主办,是唯一一个专注于商业混凝土和砌体建筑行业的国际性展会。
更多信息,请访问: www.en.wocasian.cn