我们供应用于建筑的筒仓和用于水管理的回收系统。我们对在BCT EXPO期间建立的新商业联系感到非常满意。商务配对项目组织得非常好,BCT EXPO组织得井然有序。
Dr. Eng Riccardo Malfer
POGGI S.p.A, 区域经理
我们是暹罗脚手架有限公司,一家专注于脚手架的公司。我对今年的展会印象非常深刻。与其他类似的活动相比,BCT EXPO 的组织非常出色,无论是在活动管理、展会团队对参展商的细致关怀,还是建筑行业社交游轮之夜,都促成了许多新的商业联系。参加此次展会绝对为您的业务带来了新的机会。期待明年再见!
Methee Rurkwararuk
Siamese Scaffolding Co., Ltd. 总经理
我们专注于仓库和厂房的设计与建造。今年是我们第三次参加BCT EXPO,展会期间我们接触到的参观者的数量和质量使这次参展成为了一个值得的营销投资,我们将继续参加BCT EXPO。
Kannapak Taweeyos
Channakorn Engineering Co., Ltd.,业务发展部经理
Rotar Thailand我们是Rotar Thailand, 来自荷兰的挖掘机附件品牌,刚刚在泰国推出。我们曾考虑过多个在泰国举办的工程建筑展会,但我们选择参加BCT EXPO,因为我们知道这是泰国建筑与施工行业的首要盛会,展会的氛围非常棒。我们已经决定参加2025年的BCT EXPO,期待下次见!
Panumas Daungsittichock
Rotar Thailand, 独家代理
“For this year’s BCT Expo, we have received a significant numbers of visitors to our booth coming from the stone quarrying sector. We anticipate an even better response next year and would like to invite attendees not only from our sector but also from sectors such as construction vehicles, equipment, and machinery to join us in BCT Expo 2024!”
Exhibitor Name: Mr. Yongyuth Yuadyong
Job Position: Assistant Manager, Service Department
Company Name: Kawasaki Trading (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Country: Thailand
“We are extremely pleased with the organizer’s business matching program. This program allowed us to pre-schedule our meetings with the right buyers at the exhibition. We have certainly benefited from exhibiting at BCT Expo 2023 and I thank the organizer for their invitation.”
Exhibitor Name: Mr. Mike Villamor
Job Position: Sales and Business Development Manager
Company Name: Stanza Technologies Pte Ltd.
Country: Singapore
“I attended the previous editions as a visitor and was impressed. This time, I joined as an exhibitor and it has been a successful participation for me. I am also impressed by the construction and building management technologies showcased at BCT Expo 2023 and I will like to encourage everyone to join us again next year and be part of a bigger and more successful BCT Expo 2024!”
Exhibitor Name: Mr. Noppadol Jaisue
Job Position: Vice President – Technical
Association Name: The Consulting Engineers Association of Thailand (CEAT)
Country: Thailand
“We are impressed with the quality of attendees at BCT Expo 2023. We did receive good feedbacks and also met our sales and marketing objectives. O.C.R. Co., Ltd. (XCMG) is pleased to have the opportunity to exhibit at BCT Expo 2023 to showcase our innovative machinery to the market, and is looking forward to experiencing a bigger presence at BCT Expo 2024.”
Exhibitor Name: Mr. Sirapop Tantitham
Job Position: Managing Director
Company Name: O.C.R Co., Ltd. (XCMG)
Country: Thailand
“Exhibiting at BCT Expo 2023 was a great opportunity for FBR as it allowed us to showcase our technology to a new audience and at the same time, understand the Southeast Asian smart construction market. I was also invited to speak at their AIBotics Summit which generated further interest in our Hadrian X® brick laying construction robot.”
Exhibitor Name: Mr. Aidan Flynn
Job Position: CFO
Company Name: FBR Limited
Country: Australia